
GVU Journal of Research and Innovation, a journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the School of Postgraduate Studies at Glorious Vision University, located in Ogwa, Edo State, Nigeria. The journal issues biannual publications in June and December, accepting scholarly articles from both international and local researchers. Its broad scope encompasses various disciplines, including Arts, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, and Law. GVU Journal of Research and Innovation, is available in both print and electronic formats through Open Access, and it is indexed with Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) in Google Scholar, OpenAIRE, Zenodo, Dimensions, and Garuda. This ensures that the published research is widely accessible and discoverable, thereby promoting the dissemination of knowledge and fostering academic collaboration.

Guidelines to Authors on Submission of Articles and Review

1 All manuscript should be sent electronically using Microsoft Office word as a word document attachment to: or click on this link to submit your paper

2 Any paper sent should bear the title, name of author, institution, postal details, email address and phone numbers on the cover page

3 A manuscript must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 250 words

4 There should be 5-7 keywords shortly after the abstract.

5 An introduction that briefly explains the background to the study, statement of the problem and justification of the study

6 Literature Review

7 Theoretical Framework: There should be a link or basis between the theory used in the study and findings of the work

8 Methods Adopted in the work should be explicitly discussed here

9 Data Presentation and Analysis

10 Discussion of Findings: Here, authors should interpret and discuss the significance of their findings

11 Conclusion/Recommendations

12 Manuscript should be in Times New Roman and font size of 12pt with 2.0 line spacing except for the abstract and indentations, which should be in single line spacing

13 Manuscript submitted should not be more than (16) pages

14 The Reference style for this Journal should be GVU APA style.



 Assessment Fee: #5000 (An assessment fee should be paid immediately after the submission of article for onward review)

Publication Fee: #20000 (This will be paid after an article has been accepted for publication)

Bank Account Details

Account Name: School of Postgraduate Studies, Samuel Adegboyega University

Account Number: 0173255947

Bank: Union Bank


In-text Citation

When authors are cited or quoted verbatim, the quotation must be indicated with quotation marks and the page range must be captured; for example, according to Asemah (2023, p.5), “communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more people through previously agreed symbols”


Authors can only indent words more than forty (40) and the indentation must be flushed right. All indentations must have quotation marks inserted. For example, Afolayan (2021, p.20) notes thus:

“The competition in the manufacturing industry is increasing as organisations are faced with challenges, which include complex developments, technological trends, rapid growth of the need for qualified, loyal and experienced employees, globalization and deregulation. These quick changes force them to run their companies well in terms of employee performance, client happiness and organizational dedication.” 

Use of Ampersand

Ampersand should be used at the beginning of citations and when authors paraphrase and the paraphrased sentence has the citation at the end. For example, Asemah & Ekhareafo (2023) note that…….. and not Asemah and Ekhareafo (2023).  

The Use of et al

The use of et al is not permitted for works authored by two researchers. It is only allowed when there are more than two authors. This implies that the use of et al is only allowed when you have from three and above authors. In this, on first citation, the names of the three authors must be mentioned; then in subsequent citations, you mention the name of only the first author, followed by et al

Reference Section

Text Books

Asemah, E. S, Gujbawu, M. Ekhareafo, D. O. & Okpanachi, R. A. (2012) Research  methods and procedures in mass communication. Jos: Great Future Press.


Asemah, E. S, Okpanachi, R. A. & Olumuji, E. O. (2013). Communicating corporate  social responsibility performance of organisations: A key to winning  stakeholders’ goodwill, International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2 (4), 27- 54.

Conference Proceedings

Nwaoboli, E. P. Chukwu, N. V. & Asemah, E. S. (2021). Mass media and corona virus  campaigns in Benin City: Examining the status conferral approach. In E.S  Asemah, J. U. Idialu., S.O. Ajagun, M. Osemeke, E. Okwudiri, M. Oaikhena, F.  Ohiokha & K. Ola (Ed.). Pandemic in the 21st Century: Multi-dimensional  Approaches. Edited Conference Proceedings of the 2nd College of Management  and Social Sciences 2021 Conference, Ogwa, Samuel Adegboyega University.

Edited Books

Nwaoboli, E. P. & Asemah, E. S. (2021). Textual analysis of select online media use o  fear appeals in the promotion of COVID-19 vaccination in Nigeria. In E. S.  Asemah (Ed.). Communication, Pandemic and Civil Unrest in Nigeria (pp. 5-19).  Enugu: Franklead Press.

Internet Sources

Egunjobi, J. P. (2020). Wearing mask to combat COVID. Retrieved from COVID.


Eze, J. K. (2022). Communication and development. The Daily Sun, August 24th, p. 5.


Eze, J. K. (2022). Communication and development. The Tell Magazine, June 24th, p. 5.