An Assessment of Evil (Ibi) and Goodness (Ire) In Yoruba Philosophical Thought
Evil, Goodness, Western, Yoruba, Philosophical thoughtAbstract
This paper investigated the concept of evil (ibi) and goodness (ire) in Yoruba philosophical thought that they are real phenomena. Attempts have been made to solve the visible absurdity in the coexistence of Godand evil. Contradictions between evil and good in the world revealed that; world cannot exist without good and evil. The intrinsic, importance, philosophical implications and moral responsibilities of evil and good among humans are real. However,this paper: examined the concept of evil and good in Yoruba philosophical thought; juxtaposed Yoruba and Western philosophical views on evil and goodness; established that evil and good are part of life. It was also established that God created evil but was brought upon human through disobedience. This paper solved these problems: inadequate knowledge of people about the problem of evil; bridging the gap between the Western and African philosophy on the concept of evil and good. 600 questionnaires were distributed to Christians, Islamic and Traditional religion in Mushin LGA. Simple percentage method was used to analyze the data collected. Charles Sander’s fallibilism theory was adopted as the theoretical framework, which suggested that “long and widely accepted beliefs can be wrong”. Result revealed that:Western and African perception on evil and good are the same; without evil, goodness cannot exist; destiny decides one’s evil and good in life. This paper concluded/recommended that God created evil and good but Satan is the carrier of evil, and God is benevolent and not to be blamed.However, humans should stop doing evil to attract goodness from God.